Squirrel & Grow is realistic personal finance from a millennial who started saving "too late"

I know what it’s like to feel behind in my finances. I also know that in reality, it’s never too late to save. This blog chronicles my wealth-building journey and shares shame-free money knowledge in plain language.


Follow along to see how I'm growing my money from $50K to $1.5 million while still buying lattes

I’m a woman in my late 30s with a regular 9-to-5 job, and like many Canadians, I was financially illiterate for most of my life. After some money mistakes in my 20s and early 30s, I’ve gotten a handle on my finances and now have a plan.

In 2022 I started my investment journey. I’m aiming for $1.5 million in retirement funds by the time I’m 67.

This blog is tracking my journey, while also helping others learn about spending, saving, and investing. If that sounds good to you, consider subscribing to my newsletter below. 

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Holiday spending plan

I’m aiming to have a reasonable spending year, this year. I’m planning to spend about $500-$650 on Christmas/holiday related things.

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